The more I thought about The City of Dusk, book one in the Dark God series by Tara Sim, the more I loved it. So when The Midnight Kingdom was up on NetGalley and I was approved to read it, I was extremely happy. I still put off reading it for it being such a […]
Author: kat @ bookish blades
Ashington – Verliebt in einen Earl von Abbi Glines | Rezension
By kat @ bookish blades on 25/09/2023Ashington schwamm Anfang vorigen Jahres auf der Bridgerton-Welle mit und als ich es im Laden gesehen habe, wollte ich es unbedingt lesen. Ich bin großer Fan historischer Romanzen, insbesondere Regency Romance. Und nun, ein Jahr später, habe ich es dann auch endlich gelesen. Klappentext London 1815: Ein bezauberndes Lächeln, vielsagende Blicke, ein Wimpernschlag im richtigen […]
PERSONAL LIFE The first week of August, I was still on my summer vacation to Poland where I enjoyed morning swims, walks into town, many pierogi and wonderful afternoons spent with people I love. The house we rented was simply beautiful and its owners super nice. This has been the fourth time we went to […]
The Seven Year Slip by Ashley Poston | Review
By kat @ bookish blades on 31/08/2023It is no secret that I love Ashley Poston. I devour all of her work, usually as soon as I can get my hands on it. For whatever reason, I waited with The Seven Year Slip. Until I read a positive review by a bookstagramer whose taste in books I trust (@saltforthesea) and I had […]
Hoohoo, friends of the blade! Long time no see, huh. But September brings so many amazing new releases I had to share with you. Thanks to that I overcame the blogging slump I’ve been in for the past few months and here we are. What September book releases are there, you ask? Well, there’s romance. […]
Only A Monster, book one in the Monsters trilogy was one of my favourite reads last year, so of course I absolutely had to read Never a Hero as soon as I could! I mean, time travel, morally grey characters, good vs. bad with a twist… what’s not to love?! Synopsis: Despite all of the […]