Hoohoo, friends of the blade. Can you believe the last month of the year is upon us already? Where has the time gone? Away, that’s where. But December not only heralds the end of a very weird year, it also heralds some exciting book releases! Two of my all time favourite books are translated into […]
Author: kat @ bookish blades
5 Underrated Fantasy Books You Should Stop Sleeping On
By kat @ bookish blades on 09/11/2023Hoohoo, friends of the blade. Welcome back to another post about underrated books you should definitely read. Find my posts about underrated SFF-series here and my post about recent LGBTQ+ reads here. If you’ve read these posts and also read this one, you’ll notice that one book features in two posts but hey, I adore […]
A Curse for True Love by Stephanie Garber | Review
By kat @ bookish blades on 07/11/2023The Once Upon A Broken Heart series by Stephanie Garber is easily one of my favourite series. I already really enjoyed Caraval but this spin-off really hit a whole other level. I fell in love with Jacks and Evangeline and A Curse For True Love was one of my most anticipated releases of the year. […]
Exciting November Book Releases
By kat @ bookish blades on 05/11/2023Hoohoo, friends of the blade. I don’t have much to say so let me simply present the exciting November book releases I’m very much looking forward to. There are sequels to beloved books (IRON FLAME AHHHH and also The Hunting Moon!!!) and romances I can’t wait to read! 7TH NOVEMBER Check & Mate by Ali […]
Hoohoo, friends of the blade! It’s wrap up time! September is behind us, autumn has arrived in Germany at full swing. I spent a week in Southern France and coming back to cold and rainy Germany has made me extremely fatigued. Anyways, that’s October and I am supposed to be talking about September here. So […]
Hoohoo, friends of the blade! October has so very many exciting releases. It’s getting very witchy which I’m absolutely grateful for. I am in such a mood for witchy books these days, very fitting for the month! Of course, there are also wonderful romance releases, German translations I’m looking forward to seeing in stores and […]