Book: Lady Midnight (The Dark Artifices #1) Author: Cassandra Clare Pages: 668 Publisher: Margaret K. McElderry Books Published: 8th March 2016 Synopsis: Five years after the Dark War, Emma Carstairs has the chance to finally find out more about what really happened to her parents. She discovers dark things happening all around Los Angeles, where […]
Book: Captive Prince (German Edition) Author: C. S. Pacat Pages: 289 Published: July 2015 Publisher: Heyne Synopsis: Damen, the crown prince of Akielos, loses the throne because of a conspirancy of his half-brother. He gets sent to Vere, the neighbouring country, as a slave for the prince, Laurent. Laurent is everything what Damen hates, and […]
Zutaten für ca. 8 Muffins: 250g (Zart)bitterschokolade 80g Butter4 Eier 90g Zucker 4 EL Mehl nach Belieben: Zimt Vanillezucker Zubereitung: 1. ca. 150g Schokolade hacken und mit Butter im Wasserbad schmelzen. 2. Die restliche Schokolade so aufteilen, dass mindestens ein Stück für jeden Muffin übrig bleibt. 3. Die Eier mit dem Zucker cremig aufschlagen, dann […]
Book: After You (Me Before You #2) Author: Jojo Moyes Pages: 410 Published: October 2015 Publisher: Penguin Synopsis: spoilers for Me Before You How do you move on after the person you loved died? Louisa Clark no longer is the happy, ordinary girl, but a woman suffering from the death of Will Traynor the man […]
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