PERSONAL LIFE I definitely enjoy working less hours a lot. I suddenly have so much free time which I can use to read and do other enjoyable things. No, I don’t have a second job or started uni again, thanks for asking. I’m just enjoying the free time I have. Working, no matter if a […]
Author: kat @ bookish blades
What the River Knows by Isabel Ibañez | ARC-Review
By kat @ bookish blades on 22/06/2023I really enjoyed Isabel Ibañez’ writing style in her previous books and I got so excited when I saw that she was writing something featuring ancient Egypt. What the River Knows intrigued me from the first time my friend told me about it. I mean, it’s Egypt. And I studied egyptology and it’s always hard […]
What first struck me about The Foxglove King was its gorgeous cover. I fell in love with it the minute I saw it. And the synopsis sounded really interesting as well and I had a feeling that this book would be something right after my taste. Continue reading to find out if The Foxglove King […]
Hoohoo, friends of the blade. It’s been three long years since I started the “read the rainbow” series, planned to definitely continue and then never did. Until now. For this one, we’ll change it up a bit, though, and instead of picking books for every colour of the rainbow, I’m going with orange books first. […]
PERSONAL LIFE At the beginning of the month I spent a week in France on vacation with my mom. We went to Ardèche, a region that has my whole heart and is basically my favourite place on earth. Going there, seeing the hills and the blooming broom and having the dry earth and stones beneath […]
5 Science-Fiction Book Recommendations for Everyone
By kat @ bookish blades on 28/05/2023Hoohoo, friends of the blade. I love science-fiction books. I love space and I love how creative people get when putting fantasy and science together and make absolutely stunning worlds. And I realized I don’t read nearly enough sci-fi books and definitely need to read some more. If you’re the same, then look no further […]