
August 2023 Wrap Up



The first week of August, I was still on my summer vacation to Poland where I enjoyed morning swims, walks into town, many pierogi and wonderful afternoons spent with people I love. The house we rented was simply beautiful and its owners super nice. This has been the fourth time we went to Poland and we’re already planning our next trip back. Those lakes and forests and hills really do it for me but so do the mountains in the south. Poland has truly become on of my favourite countries for vacation, especially now that I speak the language a little bit. Truly not much but enough to give directions to people, buy food and small talk. I definitely plan to speak it better the next time I’m going!

Then there were two weeks of working for me and even though I was on one hand desperate to go back on vacation and already in the next vacation in my head, those two weeks were pretty chill. We went to a relative’s wedding, then went home to see my family and friends for my birthday. My birthday was nice, with cake and friends and a board game evening. The days home were quiet, unbelievably hot but I enjoyed them. We also found enough mushrooms for one lunch so there’s that. As soon as I was back in my city, I became sick and spent the better part of the end of August in bed with a cough, tea and my books.


crown of midnightThe Throne of Glass series by Sarah J. Maas
#2 Crown of Midnight
#3 Heir of Fire
#4 Queen of Shadows
#5 Empire of Storm
#7 Kingdom of Ash

Celaena Sardothien, royal assassin, is the King of Adarlan’s deadliest weapon. She must win her freedom through his enemies’ blood – but she cannot bear to kill for the crown. And every death Celaena fakes, every lie she tells, put those she loves at risk.
Torn between her two protectors – a captain and a prince – and battling a dark force far greater than the king, Celaena must decide what she will fight for: her liberty, her heart or the fate of a kingdom…

I reread Throne of Glass in July, then proceeded with the rest of the series. I left out the Assassin’s Blade novellas because I didn’t feel like reading them. I also skipped Tower of Dawn because even though I love Chaol, I really truly do not love his book. No, thank you. Objectively, this series isn’t that good. I’m not a fan of SJM’s writing style and the inflationary use of “utter(ly)”, “roar”, “male”, etc. anymore. It just annoys me. But I still love this series. I first read it in times I myself felt weird and insecure and unsure of myself and my surroundings and Throne of Glass gave me a lot of comfort. Those books will always have a special place in my heart but I’m also very torn between being annoyed and absolutely in love with Elide Lochan.

tall white tenementTall White Tenement by Anna Kirchner
Little Black Bird #2

The magical world is at the brink of war and Wiktoria is pressured to pick a side. Should she break the curse, condemning magic but saving humanity, or should she save magic at the cost of leaving humans to the mercy of demons? Torn between following in her parents’ footsteps and listening to her heart, she delves deeper into the hidden society of sorcerers, Guardians and demons. Her magic is more unpredictable than ever and her bond with Artur is put to the test as they try to complete the legendary Circle of Four. As more and more demons find their way into our realm and human enemies close in, the time to decide which world to save runs thin. When nothing is black and white and enemies turn into allies, how does one pick a side? To make matters worse, just as Wiktoria and her friends finally decide on a plan, a forgotten secret is rediscovered and everything is cast into doubt once more—but the clock is still ticking.

I really liked the sequel to Little Black Bird! I especially loved the recap of book one because my mind is a sieve and I couldn’t remember much. I simply love reading about Wiki and her struggles with magic, family and history. What I enjoyed most were all the relationships between the characters and especially the friendships and to see how people grow closer in one way or another. I also loved how the book was very queer in a casual, accepting way while also heavily discussing queer topics and identities. It felt very natural. I also loved the magic and the mythological aspect a lot, seeing how the author wove all of it in a present urban setting. And yes, I also enjoyed all the Polish food which made me hungry and want to go into the surrounding forests and forage for berries and mushrooms. I genuinely love the LBB series a lot!

fake dates and mooncakesFake Dates and Mooncakes by Sher Lee

Dylan Tang wants to win a Mid-Autumn Festival mooncake-making competition for teen chefs—in memory of his mom, and to bring much-needed publicity to his aunt’s struggling Chinese takeout in Brooklyn.
Enter Theo Somers: charming, wealthy, with a smile that makes Dylan’s stomach do backflips. AKA a distraction. Their worlds are sun-and-moon apart, but Theo keeps showing up. He even convinces Dylan to be his fake date at a family wedding in the Hamptons.
In Theo’s glittering world of pomp, privilege, and crazy rich drama, their romance is supposed to be just pretend . . . but Dylan finds himself falling for Theo. For real. Then Theo’s relatives reveal their true colors—but with the mooncake contest looming, Dylan can’t risk being sidetracked by rich-people problems.
Can Dylan save his family’s business and follow his heart—or will he fail to do both?

This was a buddy read with a friend and basically both our first reactions were “this is cute and also I don’t know how but I’m on page 70 already, I need to pace myself”. Fake Dates and Mooncakes is a very quick, highly sweet and enjoyable read. I really liked the characters and especially Dylan and his family. I loved their dynamics and all the unconditional love and support between them. It contrasts Theo’s family but I also liked him with his cousins and how they slowly grow back to each other while realizing things about each other and accepting them. I also really enjoyed how Theo and Dylan bring forth each other’s best sides while still accepting the other as a whole. Also all the food mentioned? Delicious. This was such a wonderfully, fun and light queer story with serious undertones that made it a near perfect read!

fräulein vom amt - der tote im kurhausFräulein vom Amt – Der Tote im Kurhaus by Charlotte Blum
Alma Täuber ermittelt #2

Alma Täuber ermittelt zwischen rauschenden Festen und Ägyptenfieber – der zweite Fall für das Fräulein vom Amt Baden-Baden 1924. Die ganze Stadt befindet sich im Ägyptenfieber, seit bekannt ist, dass im Kurhaus Verdis »Aida« aufgeführt wird. Die anschließende Premierenfeier unter dem Motto »Legenden des Nil« wird zum rauschenden Höhepunkt, der jedoch ein abruptes Ende findet, als der Tenor ermordet aufgefunden wird.  Das Fräulein vom Amt Alma Täuber ist entsetzt, war sie doch selbst Gast der Feier, zu der ihre Freundin Emmi die Ausstattung entworfen hatte. Und keine andere als Emmi wird nun Gegenstand der polizeilichen Ermittlungen. Alma, die kein Unrecht ertragen kann, streckt ihre Fühler aus, um Emmi zu helfen.  Dabei kommt sie hautnah in Berührung mit Eifersuchtsdramen, einem schwierigen Opernensemble und altägyptischen Artefakten. Und bringt sich trotz Warnung von Kriminalkommissar Ludwig Schiller selbst in höchste Gefahr.

Wie bereits den ersten Band, habe ich auch dieses Buch als Hörbuch gehört. Ich mag Dagmar Bittners Sprechweise super gern und kann ihr wunderbar zuhören. Auch die Geschichte holt mich sehr ab. Es ist ein herrlich leichter Mix aus Krimi und historischer Roman mit einem Hauch Romantik. Die Freundschaft von Emmi und Alma gefällt mir mit am besten, aber ich mag auch sehr, wie Ludwig geschrieben ist und wie sich Almas Beziehung zu ihm entwickelt. Und dass hier das Ägyptenfieber eine prominente Rolle spielt, finde ich aus Ägyptologensicht natürlich auch sehr spannend. Auch wenn ich von dem Hype damals und wie das alte Ägypten aufgegriffen wurde nicht viel halte, finde ich es dennoch äußerst spannend.  Ich bin ja eigentlich keine Krimifreundin, aber diese Reihe ist so locker und doch spannend, dass ich mich richtig darauf freue, mit Band 3 anzufangen.

the seven year slipThe Seven Year Slip by Ashley Poston

Sometimes, the worst day of your life happens, and you have to figure out how to live after it.
So Clementine forms a plan to keep her heart safe: stay busy, work hard, find someone decent to love, and try to remember to chase the moon. The last one is silly and obviously metaphorical, but her aunt always told her that you needed at least one big dream to keep going. And for the last year, that plan has gone off without a hitch. Mostly. The love part is hard because she doesn’t want to get too close to anyone—she isn’t sure her heart can take it.
And then she finds a strange man standing in the kitchen of her late aunt’s apartment. A man with kind eyes and a Southern drawl and a taste for lemon pies. The kind of man that, before it all, she would’ve fallen head-over-heels for. And she might again.
Except, he exists in the past. Seven years ago, to be exact. And she, quite literally, lives seven years in his future.
Her aunt always said the apartment was a pinch in time, a place where moments blended together like watercolors. And Clementine knows that if she lets her heart fall, she’ll be doomed.
After all, love is never a matter of time—but a matter of timing.

I’m not sure what this book has done to me but it definitely has me in a tight grip. I loved it so, so much and Ashley Poston once again proves why she is one of my all time favourite authors. I simply loved this book to pieces. And it broke me into many of those, yet put me back together and healed me. I cried a lot but I also laughed out loud while reading, my heart was full to the brim and felt like bursting with emotions. The Seven Year Slip is a beautiful mix of sweetness and hurt, of comfort and losing and finding your way. And it is also the third book I read in August that made me really hungry, argh. You can read my full review here.


serce trollaSerce Trolla by Holly Black

Świat siedemnastoletniej Val wali się w gruzy, gdy dziewczyna zastaje w niedwuznacznej sytuacji swojego chłopaka z własną matką. Schronienia szuka w wielkomiejskiej dżungli, gdzie wpada w towarzystwo zdecydowanie nieodpowiednie dla grzecznej panienki…
Tyle, że Val nie jest zwyczajną dziewczyną z prowincji zagubioną w Nowym Jorku: jest uparta i nieposkromiona. Gdy na jej drodze pojawia się troll-alchemik, Val zostaje dilerką przedziwnego narkotyku ratującego Mały Ludek od zgubnego działania żelaza. Wplątana w rozgrywającą się na styku świata elfów i ludzi perfidną intrygę, dzielnie staje do walki, by odegrać decydującą rolę w dramatycznym starciu dwojga władców nie z tego świata.
Nim jednak do tego dojdzie, Val musi otrząsnąć się ze zgubnego wpływu odurzającej substancji – zrezygnować z magii, aby móc się przeciwstawić ponurym knowaniom elfowego dworu.

ophelia mimo wszystkoOphelia mimo wszystko by Racquel Marie

Ophelia Rojas doskonale wie, co lubi najbardziej na świecie: swoich przyjaciół, kubańskie jedzenie, róże. I… chłopców. Bliscy żartują z jej romantycznej duszy i kolejnych zauroczeń, ale Ophelia nie mogłaby tego zmienić, nawet gdyby chciała.
Jednak kiedy zauważa, że częściej myśli o uroczej, cichej Talii Sanchez niż o chłopaku, który z nią zerwał, jej wizja dotycząca tego, kim jest, zaczyna pękać. Kłótnie z bliskimi, koniec liceum i nowe uczucia sprawiają, że ma wrażenie, jakby traciła to, co było dla niej pewne.
I będzie musiała dokonać wyboru – trzymać się wymyślonej wersji siebie, którą zawsze miała w głowie, czy odrzucić oczekiwania innych osób, by odkryć, kim naprawdę jest.

i was born for thisI was born for this by Alice Oseman

W życiu Angel Rahimi liczy się tylko jedno: The Ark – pop-rockowe trio chłopaków, które podbija świat. Jako członkini ich fandomu zyskała wszystko, co kocha – przyjaciółkę Juliet, marzenia i swoje miejsce w świecie. Jej muzułmańska rodzina nie pochwala zachwytów Angel, ale dziewczyna podskórnie czuje, że są w niej emocje i tęsknoty, których jej bliscy nigdy nie zrozumieją.
Jimmy Kaga-Ricci wszystko zawdzięcza The Ark. Jest frontmanem zespołu, a gra w kapeli z przyjaciółmi to spełnienie jego marzeń, nawet jeśli tylko podsyca jego niepokój. Choć fani w pełni akceptują fakt, że Jimmy jest osobą trans, są stale obecni w jego życiu, trzymając kciuki za relację Jimmy’ego z wieloletnim przyjacielem i kolegą z zespołu, Rowanem. Jednak Jimmy i Rowan są tylko przyjaciółmi, a Rowan ma sekretną dziewczynę, o której fani nigdy się nie dowiedzą.
Marzenia nie zawsze spełniają się tak, jak to sobie zaplanowaliśmy. Kiedy Jimmy i Angel niespodziewanie zbliżają się do siebie, odkrywają, jak dziwne i zaskakujące może być zmierzenie się z rzeczywistością.

der orden des geheimen baumes - die thronfolgerinDas Kloster des geheimen Baumes – Die Thronfolgerin by Samantha Shannon

Zwei Frauen stehen am Scheideweg ihres Schicksals – und ahnen nicht, dass sich ihre Wege kreuzen werden. Das größte Problem von Glorian, der zukünftigen Herrscherin von Ynis, scheint es zu sein, sich für einen zukünftigen Prinzgemahl zu entscheiden. Gleichzeitig erfährt im fernen Seiki am anderen Ende der Welt die junge Dumai, dass sie die Tochter des Kaisers ist, und muss sich völlig unvorbereitet den Intrigen des Hofes stellen. Doch all die Machenschaften der Sterblichen werden unwichtig, als auf dem Gipfel des Furchtberges drei Drachen ihre Schwingen ausbreiten, um Verderben über die Menschheit zu bringen …

immortal longingsImmortal Longings by Chloe Gong

Every year, thousands in the kingdom of Talin will flock to its capital twin cities, San-Er, where the palace hosts a set of games. For those confident enough in their ability to jump between bodies, competitors across San-Er fight to the death to win unimaginable riches.
Princess Calla Tuoleimi lurks in hiding. Five years ago, a massacre killed her parents and left the palace of Er empty…and she was the one who did it. Before King Kasa’s forces in San can catch her, she plans to finish the job and bring down the monarchy. Her reclusive uncle always greets the victor of the games, so if she wins, she gets her opportunity at last to kill him.
Enter Anton Makusa, an exiled aristocrat. His childhood love has lain in a coma since they were both ousted from the palace, and he’s deep in debt trying to keep her alive. Thankfully, he’s one of the best jumpers in the kingdom, flitting from body to body at will. His last chance at saving her is entering the games and winning.
Calla finds both an unexpected alliance with Anton and help from King Kasa’s adopted son, August, who wants to mend Talin’s ills. But the three of them have very different goals, even as Calla and Anton’s partnership spirals into something all-consuming. Before the games close, Calla must decide what she’s playing for—her lover or her kingdom.

iron widow - rache im herzenIron Widow – Rache im Herzen by Xiran Jay Zhao

Die 18-jährige Zetian tritt der Armee bei, um Rache an dem Mörder ihrer Schwester zu nehmen. Sie wird Konkubinen-Pilotin einer Kampfmaschine, die nur von der Qi-Magie eines Mannes und einer Frau gemeinsam aktiviert werden kann. Doch die Macht des männlichen Piloten ist viel größer als die seiner Partnerin, und ist er nicht vorsichtig genug, brennt er die ihm untergeordnete Pilotin aus. Bei Zetian ist es anders, und die junge Frau erlangt ihre Rache auf spektakuläre Weise. Plötzlich ist sie eine Macht, mit der zu rechnen ist. Wird sie das Land im Kampf gegen die Bestien jenseits der Großen Mauer zerstören, wie viele fürchten? Oder ist sie die letzte Hoffnung auf den Sieg?

divine rivalsDivine Rivals by Rebecca Ross

When two young rival journalists find love through a magical connection, they must face the depths of hell, in a war among gods, to seal their fate forever.
After centuries of sleep, the gods are warring again. But eighteen-year-old Iris Winnow just wants to hold her family together. Her mother is suffering from addiction and her brother is missing from the front lines. Her best bet is to win the columnist promotion at the Oath Gazette.
To combat her worries, Iris writes letters to her brother and slips them beneath her wardrobe door, where they vanish—into the hands of Roman Kitt, her cold and handsome rival at the paper. When he anonymously writes Iris back, the two of them forge a connection that will follow Iris all the way to the front lines of battle: for her brother, the fate of mankind, and love.

business or pleasureBusiness or Pleasure by Rachel Lynn Solomon

Chandler Cohen has never felt more like the ghost in “ghostwriter” until she attends a signing for a book she wrote—and the author doesn’t even recognize her. The evening turns more promising when she meets a charming man at the bar and immediately connects with him. But when all their sexual tension culminates in a spectacularly awkward hookup, she decides this is one night better off forgotten.
Unfortunately, that’s easier said than done. Her next project is ghostwriting a memoir for Finn Walsh, a C-list actor best known for playing a lovable nerd on a cult classic werewolf show who now makes a living appearing at fan conventions across the country. But Chandler knows him better from their one-night stand of hilarious mishaps.
Chandler’s determined to keep their partnership as professional as possible, but when she admits to Finn their night together wasn’t as mind-blowing as he thought it was, he’s distraught. He intrigues her enough that they strike a deal: when they’re not working on his book, Chandler will school Finn in the art of satisfaction. As they grow closer both in and out of the bedroom, they must figure out which is more important, business or pleasure—or if there’s a way for them to have both.

what would jane austen do?What Would Jane Austen Do? by Linda Corbett

It’s a truth often acknowledged that when a journalist and Jane Austen fan girl ends up living next door to a cynical but handsome crime writer, romantic sparks will fly! When Maddy Shaw is told her Dear Jane column has been cancelled she has no choice but to look outside of London’s rental market. That is until she’s left an idyllic country home by the black sheep of the family, long-not-so-lost Cousin Nigel. But of course there’s a stipulation… and not only is Maddy made chair of the committee for the annual village literary festival, she also has to put up with bestselling crime author –and romance sceptic – Cameron Massey as her new neighbour. When Maddy challenges Cameron to write romantic fiction, which he claims is so easy to do, sparks fly both on and off the page…

five surviveFive Survive by Holly Jackson

Eight hours.
Six friends.
One sniper . . .
Eighteen year old Red and her friends are on a road trip in an RV, heading to the beach for Spring Break. It’s a long drive but spirits are high. Until the RV breaks down in the middle of nowhere. There’s no mobile phone reception and nobody around to help. And as the wheels are shot out, one by one, the friends realise that this is no accident. There’s a sniper out there in the dark watching them and he knows exactly who they are. One of the group has a secret that the sniper is willing to kill for.
A game of cat-and-mouse plays out as the group desperately tries to get help and to work out which member of the group is the target. Buried secrets are forced to light in the cramped, claustrophobic setting of the RV, and tensions within the group will reach deadly levels. Not everyone will survive the night.

never a heroNever a Hero by Vanessa Len
Only a Monster #2

Despite all of the odds, Joan achieved the impossible. She reset the timeline, saved her family – and destroyed the hero, Nick.
But her success has come at a terrible cost.
She alone remembers what happened. Now, Aaron, her hard-won friend – and maybe more – is an enemy, trying to kill her. And Nick, the boy she loved, is a stranger who doesn’t even know her name. Only Joan remembers that there is a ruthless and dangerous enemy still out there.
When a deadly attack forces Joan back into the monster world as a fugitive, she finds herself on the run with Nick – as Aaron closes in.
As the danger rises – and Nick gets perilously closer to discovering the truth of what Joan did to him – Joan discovers a secret of her own. One that threatens everyone she loves.
Torn between love and family and monstrous choices, Joan must find a way to re-gather her old allies to face down the deadliest of enemies, and to save the timeline itself.

the bone seasonThe Bone Season by Samantha Shannon

The year is 2059. Nineteen-year-old Paige Mahoney is working in the criminal underworld of Scion London, based at Seven Dials, employed by a man named Jaxon Hall. Her job: to scout for information by breaking into people’s minds. For Paige is a dreamwalker, a clairvoyant and, in the world of Scion, she commits treason simply by breathing.
It is raining the day her life changes for ever. Attacked, drugged and kidnapped, Paige is transported to Oxford – a city kept secret for two hundred years, controlled by a powerful, otherworldly race. Paige is assigned to Warden, a Rephaite with mysterious motives. He is her master. Her trainer. Her natural enemy. But if Paige wants to regain her freedom she must allow herself to be nurtured in this prison where she is meant to die.

the midnight kingdomThe Midnight Kingdom by Tara Sim
The Dark Gods #2

A cataclysmic battle to save the city of Nexus has left the four noble heirs scattered across the four realms.
Taesia, the shadow-wielding rebel of House Lastrider, and Nikolas, the solider son of House Cyr, have been cast into Noctus, the realm of night. But they are not alone. The dangerous and unpredictable god of light has traveled with them, and he will do anything in his power to destroy Noctus once and for all.
Risha, the peace-loving necromancer of House Vakara, has finally found her way to Mortri, the realm of death. But she still cannot help the wayward spirits trapped in Vaega, nor does she have any idea how to get herself and her friend Jas home. All she knows is that no mortal can survive for long in Mortri. And the creatures that walk the realm of death don’t take kindly to the living.
Angelica, the stubborn elementalist of House Mardova, finds herself alone in Vaega. With the other three heirs vanished, it is up to her help keep the city of Nexus from unraveling. But Angelica secretly suffers from a sickness that her goddess left in her veins. And when she is sent on a delicate diplomatic mission, she knows that any sign of weakness will have disastrous repercussions for her family, her city, and her dreams of the throne.
All will encounter old friends and new enemies as they attempt to restore the balance of the world. But as the gods grow stronger, they’ll need more than their powers and their wits to survive.

the art of prophecyThe Art of Prophecy by Wesley Chu

It has been foretold: A child will rise to defeat the Eternal Khan, a cruel immortal god-king, and save the kingdom.
The hero: Jian, who has been raised since birth in luxury and splendor, celebrated before he has won a single battle.
But the prophecy was wrong.
Because when Taishi, the greatest war artist of her generation, arrives to evaluate the prophesied hero, she finds a spoiled brat unprepared to face his destiny.
But the only force more powerful than fate is Taishi herself. Possessed of an iron will, a sharp tongue—and an unexpectedly soft heart—Taishi will find a way to forge Jian into the weapon and leader he needs to be in order to fulfill his legend.
What follows is a journey more wondrous than any prophecy can foresee: a story of master and student, assassin and revolutionary, of fallen gods and broken prophecies, and of a war between kingdoms, and love and friendship between deadly rivals.


posts by other bloggers I loved this month


How was your August? Did you also suffer from a heat wave? What was your favourite book this month?

Until next time,


  1. Hi, Kat!

    Mein August war tragischerweise wie das dazugehörende Taylor-Swift-Lied ‘august slipped away into a moment in time’. Ich habe online viel Zeit mit K-Pop verbracht und lesetechnisch mich auch nur im Fanfiction-Bereich bewegt deswegen. War aber sehr genial, muss ich öfter machen.
    Fühle übrigens alles, was du zu Throne of Glass geschrieben hast sehr, habe die Reihe auch nochmal gelesen und objektiv betrachtet ist sie wirklich nicht gut, aber sie war das erste fiktionale Zuhause wo kämpfende, badass Frauen im Vordergrund standen, weswegen ich da so schnell auch nicht von loskommen werden, fürchte ich.
    Die Hitzewelle im August war nach der Regenwelle echt nicht nötig gewesen, es war so schrecklich warm in Bamberg, ugh. Jetzt ist es endlich angenehmer und ich hoffe, es bleibt so.

    Alles Liebe

    1. Fanfiction hat halt einfach so oft genau das, was man sucht und dann auch noch in so 200k words Ausführung <3
      Mit ACOTAR habe ich ziemlich abgeschlossen, da finde ich die Charaktere einfach nur anstrengend. Aber Throne of Glass? Ich liebs halt einfach immer noch und werde da definitiv nicht von loskommen. Objektiv betrachtet, ist die Reihe echt nicht gut, aber trotzdem, wie du sagst, war sie eben dieses "coole, badass Frauen, die die Welt ändern" und sie ist mir dadurch so ans Herz gewachsen.

      Ich bin so unglaublich froh, dass es seit heute endlich wieder kühler ist und mal wieder regnet. Die letzten Tage waren wieder echt unschön. Ich glaub aber immer noch nicht richtig an Herbst... 🙁

      (hoffentlich) herbstliche Grüße

      Kat <3

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