WHAT I DID IN MAY On the second day of May I went for a nice little bike tour through the city forest with my boyfriend and our flatmate. It was beautifully sunny, I had a free day and we explored corners of the forest we hadn’t visited before. We drove through magical fields of […]
Author: kat @ bookish blades
Underrated Sci-Fi & Fantasy Series that Deserve More Love
By kat @ bookish blades on 23/05/2022Hoohoo, friends of the blade. Do you know the feeling of loving something A LOT but all you do is scream into the void because nobody else seems to even know the thing? Well, that’s the case often when it comes to underrated books (<5.000 ratings on goodreads). And because I recently started or continued […]
Exciting Book Releases | May 2022
By kat @ bookish blades on 14/05/2022Hoohoo, friends of the blade! Even though we’re already halfway through May, I didn’t want to hold back my list of exciting book releases. As every month, I picked those book releases that speak to me the most in some way or the other. All of these sound really interesting and I’m quite excited to […]
Hoohoo, friends of the blade! April has come and gone and we’re well into May. Time seems to be running and I do not know where, but April was a mixed month in every aspect. Anyways, here’s what happened PERSONAL LIFE what happened in April Well, the beginning of April was. Not good. I was […]
Everything about The City of Dusk spoke to me. The cover is gorgeous, it seemed to be dark and full of surprising characters, and it is written by an author I previously enjoyed (⇒ Scavenge the Stars). So of course, I was over the moon when I got accepted for an ARC. Continue reading to […]
Liked the Classic? Try the YA Retelling!
By kat @ bookish blades on 20/04/2022Hoohoo, friends of the blade! I love retellings! Especially when it’s retellings of my favourite classics. Seriously, throw all the Pride and Prejudice & Jane Eyre retellings my way, I beg you. Also Count of Monte Cristo. I need all the recs I can get. I tend to like retellings of classics more than the […]