Hoohoo, friends of the blade! I’m so, so excited to participate in the Pondathon II. I wanted to be part of Pondathon last year already but couldn’t, which makes me all the more excited for Pondathon II. What is the Pondathon? Pondathon II is a story-driven and gardening-themed readathon hosted and run by CW from […]
Author: kat @ bookish blades
Anmerkung: Mir wurde vom Verlag im Gegenzug für meine ehrliche Meinung ein Exemplar des Buches zur Verfügung gestellt. Um was geht’s? Everly Dean scheint vom Pech verfolgt zu sein. Schlimm genug, dass sie an ihrem 30. Geburtstag ihren Freund mit einer anderen im Bett erwischt. Aber dann wird ihr darauf folgender Wutausbruch, in dem sie […]
Hoohoo, friends of the blade! We’re well into January but I finally found the time to make a list of anticipated releases of the month. I’ve been immensely excited for a few of these books for AGES and I can’t wait to have them in my hands! Let’s have a closer look, shall we? 4th […]
Hoohoo, friends of the blade! I love doing best ofs but apparently I never do them on my blog and instead only write them down for myself in my reading journal. After posting on in 2017 and 2020, it’s time for the blog return of the bookish best of for 2021. But first, let’s look […]
favourite books of 2021 that made me (almost) wail on the floor
By kat @ bookish blades on 06/01/2022Hoohoo, lovelies! I don’t know about you but I get very attached to books very easily. Not even necessarily the characters but sometimes the writing or world building or just generally the book as a whole. My heart does not discriminate there. Since I read some truly amazing books this past year, I wanted to […]
Hoohoo, lovelies! 2021 has ended. 2022 doesn’t feel much different, does it? The last year was weird. Everything happened so fast and all at once while at the same time it felt like nothing was happening at all. There were some big changes in my life though. After 7 years of studying I graduated with […]