Hoohoo guys! Welcome to another part of Kat has fun with lists! Yes, I do love lists. Making them, using them, but especially making them. And bookish lists are some of my favourite lists, and I’ll make as many as possible (with a lot of help from my bookshlves, that provide most of the books […]
Author: kat @ bookish blades
Kate in Waiting | Becky Albertalli | Review
By kat @ bookish blades on 18/06/2021WERBUNG / ADVERTISEMENT I received a copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. Just in case this wasn’t clear, I love Becky Albertalli’s books and writing. So of course I had to get my hands on a copy of Kate in Waiting as soon as possible. Read on to […]
Exciting Book Releases | June
By kat @ bookish blades on 07/06/2021Hoohoo, guys! Better late than never, huh? I know we’re already well into June but the concept of time has left me, my mind only lives on days without writing on the MA thesis and days of writing and doing additional uni stuff. So I’m somewhat happy I even managed to sit down long enough […]
I picked up Perfect on Paper by Sophie Gonzales on a whim (because it is very orange, let’s face it) in the bookshop and then started reading it almost immediately. I expected a nice, fun, maybe slightly dramatic YA but what I got was so much more. Cntinue reading to find out what exactly I […]
Hoohoo, guys! I’m so excited to bring you an interview with one of my favourite authors today: Jamie Pacton. Jamie Pacton is the author of The Life and (Medieval) Times of Kit Sweetly and Lucky Girl, two wonderful contemporary reads I loved a lot! I hope you enjoy this interview as much as I do […]
Hoohoo, guys! I recently posted mini reviews for two books prominently featuring food. So why not make a list of some books about food, that have amazing food descriptions and those books about food I still need to read? Because let’s face it, I’m 100% a foodie and I love reading about food. A lot. […]