Hoohoo, guys! February was a weird month in which I didn’t really blog and completely missed that the month ended and I had not written a book haul, a wrap up, or an exciting releases post. I’m very behind but honestly? I needed this time off my blog, just chilling when I wasn’t focused on […]
Author: kat @ bookish blades
Things I became obsessed with during the last few months
By kat @ bookish blades on 02/03/2021Hoohoo, guys! CN: decreasing mental health, covid19 I’m tired. No, not tired. Exhausted. I don’t know about you, but this pandemic has really been feeding off my mental health. It’s slowly getting worse. And looking back at the past few years, everytime my mental health declines, I start to obsess… more obsessively. The more I […]
BLOG VISITS | other bloggers’ posts I loved in February
By kat @ bookish blades on 28/02/2021Hoohoo, guys! I don’t know about you, but February has lasted a whole lifetime while simultaneously rushing by like the trees outside a fast moving car. I didn’t really blog at all and I only browsed others’ blogs sporadically. But I read some interesting posts, wether those were reviews or interviews or book lists and […]
The Music of What Happens | Bill Konigsberg | Rezension
By kat @ bookish blades on 16/02/2021WERBUNG Ich habe das Buch vom Verlag erhalten, im Gegenzug für meine ehrliche Meinung Um was geht’s? Max und Jordan haben nicht viel miteinander zu tun. Während Max Sport und Videospiele liebt und gern mit seinen Jungs abhängt, ist Jordan eher introvertiert, schreibt Gedichte und trifft sich mit seinen beiden besten Freundinnen in der Mall. […]
BLOG VISITS | other bloggers’ posts I loved in January
By kat @ bookish blades on 31/01/2021Hoohoo, guys! New year, reviving old things! I don’t know why I ever stopped but I decided to pick up the BLOG VISITS again. What does that mean, you might wonder. Basically, I’ll just collect the blog posts by other bloggers I read and liked this month. There will be different categories. I hope you […]
On jurisdiction in the ancient Egyptian village of Deir el-Medina | The Court
By kat @ bookish blades on 30/01/2021Hoohoo, guys! After deleting most (all?) of my posts about ancient Egypt because I didn’t like them anymore, I want to start all over again. I did a little Q&A on Instagram a few weeks ago on the topic of jurisdiction in Deir el-Medina (DeM) and I originally planned to make stories with more info […]