
Read in November

By on 05/12/2019

Hoohoo, guys. So after the book haul posts, here finally comes a post on what I’ve read. I haven’t done one in several months but I thought it’d be the time now. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire Series: Harry Potter #4 | Author: J.K. Rowling | Publisher: Bloomsbury | Pages: 636 (Paperback Signature […]

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October Book Haul

By on 04/11/2019

Hoohoo, guys. Another month over, some more books bought, not enough books read. So, nothing has changed, everything’s the same as every month. I did some impulse buys and also got some books I’ve wanted for ages. And without further ado, here come the books I got: Ninth House by Leigh Bardugo Alex Stern #1 […]

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September Book Haul

By on 30/09/2019

Hoohoo, guys. September was the month I bought too many books yet again. I can’t even say I regret anything because those were all books I’ve wanted for a while. Also, why is autumn such a good season for book releases? There are so many good ones! Wow. And since I’ve been to France, I […]

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Read in August

By on 05/09/2019

Hoohoo, guys. It’s time for the monthly wrap up! I’ve found a new favourite this month and I went bacl to Holly Black’s world of fairies. I also read about wonderful LGBT+ characters. I had a pretty good reading month. What about you? What did you read? And which was your favourite? Sorcery of Thorns […]

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