
March Wrap Up


Hoohoo, friends.

It is time for another wrap up! I am quite happy with my reading month, even though I haven’t read much over the last few days. Anyways, here come the books I’ve read.


  • Starfish by Akemi Dawn Bowman ★★★★★

This beautifully written book is about a japanese-american girl who deals with a narcissistic mother, mental and sexual abuse, as well as racism. Kiko, who is a very talented artist, has one big dream: to get into the art school of her choice. But then her childhood best friend, Jamie, comes back into town and her past is slowly catching up on her.

  • Iron Gold by Pierce Brown ★★★★

This is the fourth book in the Red Rising series. Darrow & company are in their early thirties, slowly but surely, the Golds are loosing power. After Darrow acts against his wife and sovereign’s orders, he is wanted for treason. But he has other plans.
Iron Gold is just as fast paced and thrilling as its predecessors.


  • As I descended by Robin Tally ★★★

Now this book fucked me up. Excuse my language but that is the only way to describe how I feel about this book. As the author says, this is a retelling of Macbeth but in an American private school and with ghosts. We follow the story of three protagonists, Maria, her girlfriend Lily and her best friend Brandon. After a fun night with an ouija board, more and more ghosts suddenly turn up at the school. Maria, who has always had an affinity for their presence, gets into their grip and a downwards spiral begins.
What I liked was the diversity, there were latinx, black, lesbian and gay characters. Even though the story was quite interesting, it was also extremely confusing.

  • Batman: Nightwalker by Marie Lu ★★★★

This is the story of young Bruce Wayne before he becomes Batman. A reckless decision to help the police in a… let’s say not exactly helpful way, he has to serve hours in the local prison. There he gets to know criminal mastermind Madeleine better and tries to get to know more about the so called Nightwalkers through her.
Fast paced and defintiely too short, I wish there would have been more details and probably some more background on other characters. Even though the characters are better known from the comics and films, for example Bruce’s best friends are not THAT important, they only play very small parts, even though I think they should be more improtant.


  • Wires and Nerve Vol. 2: Gone Rogue by Marissa Meyer ★★★

In this second part of Luna Chronicles spin-off about Iko, the fight against the Lunar wolf soldiers continues. To be honest, for the most part I was annoyed with the antagonist for being so damn stupid. But then, I loved seeing all of my favourites again. I loved how the story explored more of the humanity question, by which I mean: How much of Iko being an android is actually human and the other way around? I enjoyed it, but I liked the first one wayyyyy more.

  • Our dark duet by V.E. Schwab ★★★★

Boyyyyyy, that was dark. Like, really dark. And bloody. And violent. And so fast paced and emotionally draining. But not in a bad way. This is the second book in the Monsters of Verity series and it did not give me one minute of peace. Besides the monsters we already know, the humans now have to fight against an even greater evil; a new monster that lives off violence. And while the story itself was really good and well written (what else would you expect from that author, let’s be real), I have so many questions left, especially about that new monster. Because it’s just there and we never know why? But I need to know!!


  • Obsidio by Amie Kaufman & Jay Kristoff ★★★★★

Obsidio is the last book in the Illuminae Files, and let me tell you, it blew me the hell away. As you probably know, this is one of my absolute favourite series and this last installment was so, so good. The new characters I fell in love with, the old friends, the story… just. Everything about this was so good and I don’t know what to say. I loved every single bit.

Have you read any of those books? What did you think about it? What did you read in March? Which was your favourite?

  1. Huhu,
    Oh mein gott!!!!!! Wieso weiß ich bitte nicht das es einen vierten Teil zu Red Rising gibt??! Ich meine für mich war die Story nach dem dritten Teil schon zufriedenstellend abgeschlossen. Aber noch mehr Sevro? Yeah sign me up 😀 deine kurze Zusammenfassung hat mich ein wenig verwirrt aber ich will das Buch unbedingt lesen.
    Obsidio habe ich vor einiger Zeit auch beendet und ich liebe die Reihe auch unglaublich. Schade das es vorbei ist aber das ende war einfach perfekt.
    Liebe Grüße

    1. Hallöchen 🙂
      Tut mir Leid, dass es so verwirrend ist.. ich wusste nicht, wie ich das spoilerfrei schreiben soll und irgendwie kam dann das dabei raus 😀 Aber jaaaaaa!! Der kam im Januar raus 🙂 Es kommt auch auf jeden Fall noch irgendwann ein 5. 😉
      Ja, von Illuminae könnte ich noch mehr lesen… das wird auch definitiv eine Reihe, die ich immer und immer wieder lesen werde.. ich liebe diese Bücher einfach!! ♥

      Liebste Grüße
      Katja 🙂

      1. Ach was, das Verwirrende war gar nicht so schlimm, ich war einfach so geplättet das Darrow Mustang verrät. Like, what?! Deswegen muss ich das Buch jetzt umso mehr lesen, weil da muss es doch sowas wie einen Grund geben man.
        Hoffentlich gibt es den schon als Taschenbuch, denn die anderen drei habe ich auch als Taschenbuch, da will ich jetzt nicht mit Hardcovern anfangen^^”
        Und ein 5. Teil kommt auch noch? Meine Güte so viele gute Neuigkeiten <3

        1. Ok ok, nein. Er verrät sie nicht.. direkt? Wah, ich weiß echt nicht wie ich das erklären soll 😀 Am besten du liest es selbst.
          Und jup, hab ihn heute erst als TB bei Hugendubel gesehen. Allerdings glaube ich nur in der amerikanischen Variante und die kostet auch 18 oder 19€… Ich habe keine Ahnung, wann da die britische kommt oder obs die schon gibt 😀

  2. Da sind so viele Bücher dabei, die ich unbedingt lesen möchte! Allen voran V. Schwab’s (sie klingt einfach genial) und natürlich Obsidio/die gesamte Reihe. Freu mich, dass es dir so gut gefallen hat! 🙂
    Love, Sandy ❤︎

    1. Jaaa!!!! Lies V.E. Schwab! Du wirst sie lieben!
      Und ugh ja, die Illuminae-Reihe ist einfach absolut genial ♥
      Liebste Grüße♥

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