Hoohoo, guys. Looking at my bookshelves, I have realized that I have not nearly enough diverse reads sitting there. So I went on the Internet and searched and here is what I found…. I shall mark books with a main character of colour with a blue star* and LGBT+ with a red plus +. It’s […]
Tag: book releases
Hoohoo guys. I did a little overview of books I’m excited for in 2019, but I want to go into more detail and do genre specific posts as well. And of course I start with fantasy, what else would I pick first? Which fantasy books are you excited for this year? The Wicked King by […]
Book releases I’m excited for in 2019 (January – June)
By Kat @ Bookish Blades on 16/12/2018Hoohoo, friends. Only a few days and it will be a new year. 2019. Wow. I feel old. Of course there will be some cool new books coming out as well! And I’d like to show them to you. This list will be updated from time to time, whenever I find a new book I […]
Releases I am excited about in 2018 (July – December)
By Kat @ Bookish Blades on 18/06/2018Hoohoo, friends. We’re almost at the half of 2018. Which means there are some more book being released this year. And I want to show you the ones I am most excited about. Everytime I find a new book, I’ll update this list. Which books are you excited for this year? July Bright we Burn […]