It is Tuesday, and that means it is time for my first Top 5 Thursday! This week it’s all about literary females. There are so many wonderful books with amazing ladies and it was so, so hard to narrow it down to only five. But after thinking for quite a while about it, the ranking is now made:
number 5
Sadie is the female protagonist of the Kane chronicles by Rick Riordan. She and her brother Carter are the descendants of ancient Egyptian magicians. And where Carter is calm and thoughtful, Sadie is impulsive and quite reckless, but basically the sweetest person ever with a good heart full of love. Also, she is really smart and a great magician which makes her only more awesome! What’s not to love about my girl Sadie?
number 4

I was in love with Cinder from Marissa Meyer’s Lunar Chronicles from page one. She’s a cyborg working as a mechanic, spending her days on a market of New Bejing and enduring her foster mother who treats her badly. But nevertheless she is strong and filled with warmth. Cinder is pretty much the queen of sarcasm, even though she is really awkward in public, especially when the focus of a crowd is on her. She manages everything though, she is strong and nows her stuff.
number 3

Okay, about my favourite character in V. E. Schwab’s Shades of Magic trilogy: Delilah Bard, called Lila or Bard. A girl pretending to be a boy to survive, if life demands it. She is witty and clever and dangerous. She just wants to be free and have her own ship and sail the seas, and she’d do everything for it. But on the other hand she is also caring and selfless and helps her friends, when they need her. She likes showing off from time to time, and she likes having fun. Lila is a complex character with so many facets, and being a thief, she has stolen my heart (wow Kat, that was terrible).
number 2

Ginny Weasley, one of the most underrated characters in J. K. Rowling’s Harry Potter series is my second favourite character. Growing up as the youngest child and only daughter, she didn’t have it easy, but she does not take shit from anyone. She is definitely an extremely strong, really smart girl and a brilliant witch. Her brothers excluding her from Quidditch? No problem, she trains by herself and becomes a Quidditch idol. Someone being crappy towards someone else? Tell them off and if it gets worse, the bat bogey hex is the answer! Dream boy is to stupid to see her qualities? Fine, date someone else and get over it. Wait, the Dark Lord is back? She’s only fourteen and fights against his minions.
All I can say is: Ginny Weasley is so damn amazing!
number 1

My favourite female character is from the Throne of Glass series by Sarah J. Maas. I loved all of her chapters and her development through the books. She was so ruthless (still is, to be honest) but became more caring, more friendly and more open minded for the rest of the world. Even though she pretends not to care all the time, she actually has a big heart. Also, she is a damn cool witch who sees potential and good in things others would have dumped, for example her wyvern. She is such a tough fighter and I love her so much!