Hoohoo, friends of the blade! I’m sick at home, thus have time to blog and look at all the books releasing this month! I picked a few that I think sound really cool but I’d be highly interested in the books you’re excited to release as well! Well, now let’s have a look at what […]
Author: kat @ bookish blades
Simon James Green has been one of my favourite authors ever since I read Alex in Wonderland on the train ride back from YALC and entertained the whole compartment with my snorts and tears of laughter. So of course, as soon as Gay Club! was released I went and got it… and then did not […]
Hoohoo, friends of the blade! November is through, so it’s time for the November wrap up! Continue reading to find out what happened in my life, personal and bookish wise, as well as what happened on the blog and what posts by other bloggers I loved! PERSONAL LIFE November wasn’t off to a good start. […]
Among the Beasts & Briars by Ashley Poston | Review
By kat @ bookish blades on 02/12/2022Among the Beasts & Briars has been sitting on my shelves ever since its release. Ashley Poston is one of my all time favourite authors but I somehow did not pick this up to read. Why, oh why? Well, we’ll never know but I finally did and you can continue reading to find out what […]
Since July, I’ve been in a romance reading mood and on a whim, I sometimes download books on my kindle at 3am. I then forget I did so the day after, but sometimes when I really don’t know what to read from my physical TBR, I get the kindle out and look through my library. […]
Hoohoo, friends of the blade! I’m not sure when I’ve last posted about my bullet journal? (I just checked and apparently it was the Ancient Egypt theme for February 2020!) Since then, I’ve not been particularly creative with my themes and their executions. I just didn’t have the time or motivation anymore and so I […]