Hoohoo, friends of the blade! How are you all? I hope August has treated you well and you had a wonderful start into September. Even though I don’t really like summer, August is still my favourite month of the year. I think it was the first year of my entire life that August wasn’t completely […]
Author: kat @ bookish blades
Tall White Tenement by Anna Kirchner | Cover Reveal
By kat @ bookish blades on 30/08/2022Hoohoo, friends of the blade! Today I bring you something very special and dear to me: The cover for TALL WHITE TENEMENT, the sequel to LITTLE BLACK BIRD. The series is full of queerness, Polish & Slavic folklore, action and wonderful characters on the way to find themselves. I did a cover reveal for Little […]
Hoohoo, friends of the blade! On 23rd August, it was my 26th birthday! I had a wonderful day with my family and closest friends, sweating during the summer draught, not reading much but eating much cake. But since talking about books was of course happening as well as looking at my bookshelves, here is a […]
Hoohoo, friends of the blade. Ever since I started reading books in English, the books I consume are set about 90% in the UK or US. Maybe more. I’m always happy when I read a book that is set in any other place in the world, especially when it’s written by a local author. If […]
Hoohoo, friends of the blade! It’s August already and I’m actually very happy July is over. It was a weird month for me in which nothing happened but at least I read a lot. So this July wrap up will be mostly books and not much personal life because there isn’t anything to say really. […]
Help, I Fell In a Hole And Can’t Get Out – Emily Henry Edition
By kat @ bookish blades on 24/07/2022Hoohoo, friends of the blade. Once in a blue moon I get a serious new obsession. Before it has been the All For the Game series and Fence, there was the Grishaverse, Avatar: The Last Airbender,… You name it, I become obsessed easily and the things I really, really love stay with me and I […]