Hoohoo, guys! So can anybody tell me what publishing was thinking? Just releasing all of these books in one month? When I’m two months away from having to hand in my MA thesis? Because wow, May is A MONTH™ when it comes to books I’m excited for. I am SO HYPED for all of these […]
Author: kat @ bookish blades
Hoohoo, guys! It’s May already which means it’s time for another round of Blog Visits! I collected a few posts I’ve loved reading in April. Go check them out 🙂 I hope you’ll find something you love! Due to uni and life in general I wasn’t very actively reading other blogs or posting anything on […]
Rule of Wolves | Leigh Bardugo | Review (spoilery because I just need to yell)
By kat @ bookish blades on 12/04/2021Rule of Wolves is the second book in the Nikolai Duology, the third series set in Leigh Bardugo’s Grishaverse. That universe is one of my all time favourites, I’ve loved it ever since I started reading Shadow and Bone. Read on to find out what I thought of the latest installment. What is it about? […]
Hoohoo, guys! Is this… is this an actual wrap up I’m writing? Wow, huge news. But I really, really want to be more disciplined and post about what I read and not only in the occasional review. And March was a really interesting reading month for me. Either I needed 2 weeks for a book […]
Hoohoo, guys! And welcome to April and cool new releases! Seriously, there are so many books out this month I wish I could read right away. There are queer books, BiPoC books, scifi, contemporaries, fantasy,… So much to choose from! And somehow, all books I’m excited for release either on the 6th or the 20th. […]
Das Mädchen und der Winterkönig | Katherine Arden | Rezension
By kat @ bookish blades on 03/04/2021Werbung | Ich habe das Buch vom Verlag als Rezensionsexemplar erhalten. Das hat keine Auswirkungen auf meine ehrliche Meinung. Das Mädchen und der Winterkönig ist der zweite Teil der Winternacht Trilogie von Katherine Arden. Es spielt in Rus, und dieses Mal geht die Reise nach Moskau. Dort trifft Wasja auf alte Bekannte und neue Freunde […]