Hoohoo, friends of the blade. March is around the corner and with it come the new book releases! One of my favourite romantasy novels is translated into German, favourite authors release new books and one of my most anticipated sequels will also release in March! Let’s head right into it, shall we? 1st MARCH Fear […]
Category: Allgemein
EUROS 2024 | Books for Group D: France, Poland, Netherlands, Austria
By kat @ bookish blades on 26/07/2024Hoohoo, friends of the blade! I haven’t really watched football (or soccer, as they say in the US) since the World Championships 2006. Yeah, 2010 a bit but ever since then I completely lost interest in football and thought it was stupid. I’m not sure what happened, maybe because it’s in Germany or because thanks […]
Twice Shy sounded like a good rivals to lovers, a quick and easy read, perfect for when you don’t have much time to read. Or so I expected. It was all that but also so much more. Maybell Parish has always been a dreamer and a hopeless romantic. But living in her own world has […]
Hoohoo, lovelies! The Lost Girls is a book released last month, a story about vampires and revenge and love. It has been on my radar for a while so I was extremely happy when Lili @ Utopia State of Mind gave me her copy of the book for me to read! I do like a […]
Hoohoo, guys! This is just me poppin’ in to tell you that I’ve changed some stuff. The first thing was to rename my bookstagram @bookishblades. The story of me and Minas Morgul started back in 2013 (?) when I first got that name on tumblr. It’s 2020 now and I think it’s time for something […]
#WirSindPanem | Woche 1 | In welchem Distrikt würde ich leben?
By Kat @ Bookish Blades on 09/05/2019Hallöchen, ihr Lieben. Dieses Jahr werden die Tribute von Panem 10 Jahre alt. Anlässlich zu diesem Jubiläum hat die liebe Julia von The Book Dynasty ein Read Together organisiert. Im Monat Mai lesen wir daher gemeinsam den ersten Teil, Tödliche Spiele. Julia hat das Buch in wöchentliche Leseabschnitte eingeteilt, zu denen sie sich jeweils Fragen […]