I know I’m saying this every month, but how is this month over already? Time is running so fast. And instead of working on my bachelor thesis (well I did work on it, just not very much), I read books and bought even more of them. So, what did I read? A total of seven […]
Category: wrap-ups
Hoohoo! It’s the 9th of may and I still can’t believe it’s May already. I mean… how??? Where did the time go? So, it is time for another wrap-up. Somehow I am not satisfied with this reading month, even though I read eight books which is more than enough for me. I don’t even know. […]
Another month has gone by! How did March come and go so fast? It was such a great, eventful month though. And now April is here, so of course it is time for another wrap-up. I read six books and I am halfway through another. Nemesis by Anna Banks – ★★/5 Melody’s Key by Dallas Coryell […]
Hallöchen ihr Lieben! Es ist ja nun schon ein paar Tage her seit dem letzten Post. Und es ist ja auch schwuppsdiwupps schon bald April (aber irgendwie denke ich die ganze Zeit wir haben Februar? Fun fact: Titel war erst Februar-Rückblick). Wie dem auch sei, ist im März allerlei aufregendes passiert. Zum Beispiel war ich […]
I know, I know. It’s mid-March already. But better late than never. Here goes my February wrap up: I’ve read a total of 7 books, one not being pictured. If you’re interested in the full review for one of these books, click on the rating. Wires and Nerve by Marissa Meyer ★★★★★/5 King’s Cage by […]