EUROS 2024 | Books for Group D: France, Poland, Netherlands, Austria

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EUROS 2024 | Books For Group C: England, Slovenia, Serbia, Denmark

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Euros 2024 | Books for Group B: Spain, Croatia, Italy, Albania

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My Favourite Teas + Which Book I’d Recommend For Each

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LBM – Nur noch 2 Mal schlafen

By on 21/03/2017

Hallöchen, ihr Lieben! In dieser Woche ist es endlich, endlich so weit: Die Leipziger Buchmesse ist da! Und ich werde mich alle vier Tage dort aufhalten! Mein Programm ist ziemlich locker und ich habe mir extra nicht so viel vorgenommen, damit ich spontan was machen kann und mich mit ganz vielen lieben Menschen treffen kann. […]

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February Wrap Up

By on 18/03/2017

I know, I know. It’s mid-March already. But better late than never. Here goes my February wrap up: I’ve read a total of 7 books, one not being pictured. If you’re interested in the full review for one of these books, click on the rating. Wires and Nerve by Marissa Meyer ★★★★★/5 King’s Cage by […]

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book review

Nemesis by Anna Banks

By on 11/03/2017

Book: Nemesis Author: Anna Banks Pages: 359 (Hardcover) Publisher: Feiwel and Friends Published: October 4, 2016 Synopsis: In Nemesis we follow the story of the Serubelan princess Sepora who flees from her father, because he wants to use her to Forge the element spectorium so he can go to war. Her escape brings her to […]

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