Hoohoo, friends of the blade! I’ve been meaning to write this blog post for ages, now. Years, even? I definitely wanted to do more recommendation posts based on godly parents after I did the Hermes one in 2020. Yet, here we are and it’s only post number two, this time focusing on Apollo. Apollo is […]
Author: kat @ bookish blades
When I heard about From Fake to Forever the first time, I just knew this book would be something I enjoy. I mean, fake dating is among my favourite tropes, it’s set in one of my favourite cities and it just sounded like a lot of fun! I was even so happy when I was […]
Hoohoo, friends of the blade! Another month has come and gone and I did quite a lot of things (much reading time not among that). So here’s what I did, read and blogged… and what blog posts by other bloggers I enjoyed in June! PERSONAL LIFE Two weeks I went to work and did not […]
The Final Strife by Saara El-Arifi | ARC-Review
By kat @ bookish blades on 19/06/2022Without really knowing much about The Final Strife, I went into this book. I came for the sapphic content and stayed for everything. Even though I needed a long time to read it, I fell absolutely in love with Saara El-Arifi’s debut fantasy novel! Continue reading to find out what made this book so amazing. […]
Hoohoo, friends of the blade! We’re already halfway through Pride and I managed not to post much about it, wether on the blog or on instagram. Normally, I love this month and giving recommendations left and right but this year I’m just… exhausted and not motivated to do anything really. But I still wanted to […]
An Echo Through the Veil | Bonnie Wynne | ARC-Review
By kat @ bookish blades on 12/06/2022I always get extremely happy when I open my mails and see something from Talem Press! They have published amazing books and Bonnie Wynne’s Price of Magic has become one of my absolute favourites. So of course I was VERY excited when I got the opportunity to read An Echo Through the Veil in advance […]