Hoohoo, guys! Right when I theoretically have more time to read, I read less. Why? We’ll probably never know. Two of the books I read this month were What We Devour by Linsey Miller and Revenger by Alistair Reynolds, one a fantasy, one a scifi. Continue reading to find out how I liked them. WHAT […]
Author: kat @ bookish blades
Hoohoo, guys! It is time for another list (because I love them)! I’m currently home visiting my family and we have quite a big garden and a lot of nature and trees around, so of course the next logical list is Plant Titles! Woohoo! Well, there aren’t too many but I don’t care. If you […]
Mehr Romantik? – Klappentextvergleich Englisch – Deutsch
By kat @ bookish blades on 04/08/2021Huhu, ihr Lieben. Ich lese ja größtenteils englische Bücher. Warum, erfahrt ihr in diesem Beitrag. Ab und zu lese ich dann natürlich auch Klappentexte. Ehrlich gesagt mache ich das ziemlich selten, weil ich sie im Normalfall sowieso nach zwei Minuten wieder vergessen habe und verlasse mich beim Kauf daher meist auf Cover und die Meinung […]
Hoohoo, guys! It’s already time for another book haul! In my opinion, I got some very exciting reads last month, both in English and German. I don’t think I got this many German books in years. But I’m slowly finding my way back into reading in German which is my mothertongue but it still feels […]
exciting book releases | August 2021
By kat @ bookish blades on 02/08/2021Hoohoo, guys! The most stressful month this year is over. Bye, July. My master’s thesis is ready for me to pick it up and send it off. There’s now only one paper standing between me and finishing my degree. Apart from that I’m more or less free; free to read and free to blog some […]
Hoohoo, guys! How long has it been since I did a tag? Mh, long enough that I can’t even remember it. But I sure as hell won’t pass the Sapphic Book Tag which was created by Theresa @ Sappho’s Library. If you see this post, please feel tagged by me and check out Theresa’s video! […]