5★ books | generally bookish

Book Best Of 2018 | Favourite books


Hoohoo, friends.

After I picked out several aspects of books I liked, I will now show you the books I loved the most. And I did read some great books this year! I had a pretty good reading year and here come the best…

The Mime Order by Samantha Shannon (The Bone Season #2)

I wasn’t the biggest fan of book one but oh, how did I enjoyed the second one! It was fast paced and full of action, full of new and old characters. The story finally really came into action. I loved the writing style, the characters, the plot.

Starfish by Akemi Dawn Bowman

This book made me cry. It was so beautifully written and managed to place itself in my heart right away. The main character is mentally abused by her mother and suffering a lot from it. She escapes into her paintings. The journey of that insecure girl who doesn’t really believe in herself and cannot really trust other people towards a girl who still feels the effects of abuse, but learns from herself and others and how to trust people was described so well. The whole story is quite slow and dark, but so, so good. You can read my full review here.

Circe by Madeline Miller

This is not the first time I talk about this book. I just loved it so much. That story about a girl discarded by everyone. That story of a woman believing in herself and her power and not giving a shit. That story that is so beautifully written, painting a wonderful picture of Ancient Greece and its mythology. If I had to describe the world beautiful, I’d just say “this book.”

I was born for this by Alice Oseman

I love Alice Oseman. And this was my favourite book by her. For one, the book is so diverse. And so much fun to read. And really realistic. Alice Oseman just understand teenagers and their hopes and fears. She describes the positive and negatives sides of fame so well, weaving them into her story of love and friendship and fandoms. I also enjoyed the young, natural writing style and pop culture references.

Legendary by Stephanie Garber (Caraval #2)

This book was even better than the first book. It was exciting from page one. Seriously, with these book I’m never sure where they are going. There are so many questions and (plot) twists. The characters are just as clueless as the reader is, finding out the truth piece by piece. And the magic in this world has such a great concept and I just cannot wait for book 3!

What’s a girl gotta do? by Holly Bourne (Spinster Girls #3)

I love this book of raging feminism. It shows feminism in different aspects, it shows why it is necessary and how different groups of people think about it. The experiment Lottie undertakes (calling out every single sexism she encounters) made me more aware of everyday sexism. The book deals with fame and what comes with it, it deals with friends and love and just being young and trying to change bad things into good ones.

Muse of Nightmares by Laini Taylor (Strange the Dreamer #2)

This book. THIS BOOK. Just wow. I’m still not over it and am not sure how to put my emotions into words. I loved it. The beautiful writing. Can I describe it a pretty? Because it was. Stunning even. Perfect for this fantastic world with its magical characters. I loved everything about this book. Why did I not read it sooner?

What were your favourite 2018 books?

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