I initially decided to only review first books or a whole series, not books in the middle of a series. The thing is, One Dark Throne left me… unsettled. I feel the need to discuss what I read and I would really like to hear your opinion on the matter. Please note, that this review […]
hoohoo, friends, I have thought long about this. What ‘this’ is, you want to know? Well, this is all about queens in YA, and the roles they play. Because let’s be honest, what role do the queens really play? I got the idea for this post, when I wrote my post on royal booktitles. So, […]
Hoohoo, friends. As you probably know by now, I do love a good tag. And bad ones, I just love tags in general. And the lovely Ashley Rae tagged everyone for this tag and I thought this could be fun, so I wanted to do this as well. Rules: choose 5 books set those books […]
Hoohoo, friends. It is time for another wrap up! I am quite happy with my reading month, even though I haven’t read much over the last few days. Anyways, here come the books I’ve read. Starfish by Akemi Dawn Bowman ★★★★★ This beautifully written book is about a japanese-american girl who deals with a narcissistic […]
Hoohoo, friends, it’s time for another look into my bullet journal. I’ve not completely finished it, there are still some pictures missing which I’ll have to print out. But I can tell you, April is by far my favourite month when it comes to design. I worked a lot with pink & violet, especially in […]
Liebes jüngeres Ich [Bodypositivity statt Bodyshaming]
By Kat @ Bookish Blades on 28/03/2018Hallöchen ihr Lieben, vielleicht habt ihr schon von Veras Aktion “Bodypositivity statt Bodyshaming” gehört. Ich finde diese Aktion wunderbar und möchte natürlich meinen Beitrag dazu machen…Ich erinnere mich nur allzugut an mein 14jähriges Ich, das wegen völlig fertig war. Nur wegen dem Körper, in den es hineingeboren wurde. Nein, ich bin auch jetzt nicht hundertprozentig […]
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