Hello hello, so this is something which Mos Zeilenherz originally thought of. It’s basically how I would imagine my life in Hogwarts to be. And as you probably know, I can never resist Harry Potter, I just love it too much. It’s not the first time I’m thinking about all this, though most of it […]
Category: generally bookish
hello hello, I always love a good tag. And I saw this one on Abbie’s blog boneseasonofglass, so of course I wanted to do this as well đ Let’s head right into it. Author you’ve read the most books from Definitely Rick Riordan. I think except for thecond Trials of Apollo book, I’ve read all […]
When will I grow out of YA – or: why is YA important?
By Kat @ Bookish Blades on 20/01/2018Hello hello, a few days ago I was asked when I’m done with Young Adult. To be honest, I got a bit enraged about this question. My first thought was “why would I ever grow out of YA?” I mean, yes, I get older and I notice that I read more and more “adult” literature. […]
New Releases I’m Most Excited For In 2018 – Part 1 (January-June)
By Kat @ Bookish Blades on 12/01/2018Hello hello, my shelf is overflowing, a quarter of the books I own is unread, there are piles on my floor,… but of course that is no reason at all to not buy books. Though this year I won’t buy that many. Only new releases and probably next installments in series. I will try to […]
Hello hello, this should have been my first post of 2018 but oh well, better late than never. The last two years I created a “best of” photo challenge on social media, but this year I just want to remember my bookish year and float in the 74 wonderful stories I’ve read a while longer… […]
Hallöchen ihr Lieben, nun ist es schon soweit: die Lies dich nach Hogwarts – Challenge ist, ebenso wie 2017, bereits vorĂŒber. Beides ging wahnsinnig schnell. Eigentlich hatte ich mir vorgenommen, noch ein paar mehr BĂŒcher fĂŒr die Challenge zu lesen. Aber wie das eben so ist, habe ich die alle in Leipzig vergessen, bevor ich […]