Da die Kingston University Reihe gerade sehr gehypt wird und ich das im Laden andauernd an der Kasse habe, wollte ich mal sehen, was daran so toll ist und habe mir Very Bad Kings geholt. Ich hatte keine wirklichen Erwartungen, aber sagen wir es so: es hätte keine getroffen, hätte ich welche gehabt. Klappentext Mable […]
Tag: review
Among the Beasts & Briars by Ashley Poston | Review
By kat @ bookish blades on 02/12/2022Among the Beasts & Briars has been sitting on my shelves ever since its release. Ashley Poston is one of my all time favourite authors but I somehow did not pick this up to read. Why, oh why? Well, we’ll never know but I finally did and you can continue reading to find out what […]
Since July, I’ve been in a romance reading mood and on a whim, I sometimes download books on my kindle at 3am. I then forget I did so the day after, but sometimes when I really don’t know what to read from my physical TBR, I get the kindle out and look through my library. […]
I was extremely excited when I first heard about The River of Silver. More texts in the City of Brass world? Dreams do come true. Then I forgot all about it again until Anna posted about it on Instagram and I got ridiculously excited again. I ordered it, got it and started reading almost right […]
You know how it’s 3am and you go to NetGalley just to check out what’s on there and end up requesting everything that sound interesting? Yeah, that was me, in my romance reading phase, requesting all cute sounding romance books. And The Reunion definitely sounded like something I’d enjoy and I was very happy when […]
I’ve loved both of Jamie Pacton’s contemporary YA books so far. The Life and (Medieval) Times of Kit Sweetly is one of my all time favourite books (can’t recommend it enough!) and I also enjoyed Lucky Girl so much!! I’ve followed the progress of The Vermilion Emporium through the author’s social media and was really […]