5★ books | generally bookish

The Aubrey-Maturin series by Patrick O’Brian



If you follow me on any social media or know me in real life, you probably heard of Master and Commander. The Aubrey-Maturin series is 20 1/2 books long and I have only read 3 so far but I’m featuring it in this post because I LOVE it and I am 99,99% sure that I will love the rest as much. I came to know this series because of my boyfriend who has read the books I don’t know how many times. Whereas I am not such a big fan of seafaring as him, I thoroughly enjoy the books. Why, you might ask? Okay, here come some of the reasons I’ve gathered so far during books 1-3:


  1. well researched historical fiction (set in the 19th century, Royal Navy)
  2. well written, writing style fits time
  3. SHIPS
  5. at some points it is a Jane Austen novel, but with way more ships
  6. amazing characters that could be picked out of real life
  7. brilliant captain who is an absolute dork as soon as he sets foot on land
  8. brilliant doctor who is an absolute dork as soon as he talks about ships
  9. wonderful friendships
  10. the series won’t be over too soon
  11. drunk sloths
  12. the food (there is a cooking book for this series btw)
  13. cute romances (wouldn’t call it romance exactly?)

I’m pretty sure I forgot about 89856842 reasons why I like the series so much, but these are the main ones. Seriously, Master and Commander is really, really good and I’d recommend everyone to read it, if you haven’t already.

Kat out.


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