
read in march


Hoohoo guys!

Time to see what I’ve read. I managed to read a total of nine books. Nine! I haven’t read that many in months. So I’m quite happy with my reading month, especially because I read two thick books, one of which became an instant favourite. If I did the math correctly (I usuallynever do though) I read 4.127 pages and to be honest, that makes me really proud of myself. But enough of me blubbering about, here be the books:

Avocado Bliss by Candace Robinson & Gerardo Delgadillo

Advertisement: Received as a review copy in exchange for my honest opinion
Evernight Teen | 27th March 2020 | 232 pages | contemporary YA romance | gay side character, diabetes type 1 | TW: needles, injections, shooting, alcohol

avocado blissWhat is it about?

Dacre Vinson has spent the majority of his life in quite the predicament—even the surf and his books can’t erase his Type 1 diabetes. But when Dacre’s family moves to a new Mexican town, an eccentric girl obsessed with trees offers him a job on the spot, leading to what could be the perfect distraction from his problems.
Salbatora Tames has one true love, her avocado farm. Her family constantly nudges her to be more social, but Sal much prefers the dirt, the sun, and the solitude. Besides, trees listen better than people do.
For Sal and Dacre, their job won’t stay easy breezy for long, not when an avocado delivery to Palenque, Mexico pops up on their radar. Together, they embark on a road trip across the jungle, where they form a tighter bond. However, as obstacles arise, their new-found troubles may lead to more woes than bliss. (goodreads)

What did I think?

I loved this book! It was cute and had such a nice, warm feeling to it while still discussing illness, death and family problems. It was fun to read, the characters were amazing and I especially enjoyed reading about the different relationships and how they developed. You can read my full review here.

Inepu by Roxane Bicker

Werbung: Ich habe das Buch als Rezensionsexemplar im Austausch für meine ehrliche Meinung erhalten
Die Herren des Schakals #1 | Hybrid Verlag | 21. Februar 2020 | 320 Seiten | historisch-mystischer Krimi | schwuler Charakter | TW: Blut, Tod, Trauma, Krieg, Alkohol, Drogen

inepuUm was geht’s?

München, 1889: In der Glyptothek wird eine mysteriöse Maske entwendet, die den Totengott Anubis darstellt, der Kurator ermordet und wie eine altägyptische Mumie drapiert.
Der Direktor des Museums betraut Rosa und Daisy mit diesem Fall, zwei private Ermittlerinnen, ohne die Gendarmerie zu informieren. Um kein Aufsehen zu erregen, sollen sie den Mord aufklären und vor allem die Maske zurückholen. In fünf Tagen findet eine wichtige Ausstellung statt.
Ein Wettlauf gegen die Zeit beginnt, in dem die zwei Frauen schauerliche und überraschende Entdeckungen erwarten – und ein Ritual, das Opfer fordert.


Obwohl ich sonst keine Krimis lese, hat mir dieses Buch außerordentlich gut gefallen. Das lag auch an den komplexen, teilweise sogar geheimnisvollen Charakteren, vor allem aber auch an der Rolle, die das alte Ägypten in der Geschichte spielt. Historische Fakten und Theorien sind wunderbar in den Roman eingearbeitet, sodass auch Leute sie verstehen und nachvollziehen können, die davor noch nie mit dem alten Ägypten zu tun hatten. Meine Rezension könnt ihr hier lesen.

American Royals by Katharine McGee

American Royals #1 | Penguin | 5th September 2019 | contemporary NA | 440 pages

american royalsWhat is it about?

Meet the Washingtons – the most scandalous royal family ever!
HRH Princess Samantha has always been a royal rebel. She’s the spare not the heir, so no one minds too much who she dates or how hard she parties.
It helps that her sister, Princess Beatrice, is literally perfect. She’s demure, sweet and beautiful, and she knows that the crown always comes first – no matter what her heart might really want.
But they’re not the only ones with their eye on the throne. Daphne Deighton might be ‘newly noble’ but she won Prince Jefferson’s heart once, and she’ll do anything to get back into the court’s favour – and his bed.
If only she knew that her competition was a common nobody – plain little Nina Gonzalez, the daughter of the king’s secretary.
Together these four young women must navigate the drama, gossip, scheming and sizzling romance of the most glorious court in the world. There’s everything to play for – but there can only be one queen. (goodreads)

What did I think?

Modern royals? Probably my newest obsession. And I highly enjoyed this, the intrigues, the drama, the tension of it all. But then everything that happened towards the end? Nah, did not like it. Especially because I somehow thought this was a standalone and then it turned out not to be. I know this is my own fault but still. I got so exhausted with the unnecessary drama. I still liked it and I’m both excited and nervous to see where this is going because I just want them all to be happy but I have a bad feeling about it all.

House of Earth and Blood by Sarah J. Maas

Crescent City #1 | Bloomsbury | 3rd March 2020 | 803 pages | fantasy | TW: alcohol, drugs, blood, death, gore, grief, slavery

house of earth and bloodWhat is it about?

Bryce Quinlan had the perfect life—working hard all day and partying all night—until a demon murdered her closest friends, leaving her bereft, wounded, and alone. When the accused is behind bars but the crimes start up again, Bryce finds herself at the heart of the investigation. She’ll do whatever it takes to avenge their deaths.
Hunt Athalar is a notorious Fallen angel, now enslaved to the Archangels he once attempted to overthrow. His brutal skills and incredible strength have been set to one purpose—to assassinate his boss’s enemies, no questions asked. But with a demon wreaking havoc in the city, he’s offered an irresistible deal: help Bryce find the murderer, and his freedom will be within reach.
As Bryce and Hunt dig deep into Crescent City’s underbelly, they discover a dark power that threatens everything and everyone they hold dear, and they find, in each other, a blazing passion—one that could set them both free, if they’d only let it. (goodreads)

What did I think?

Wow, god, no. I was so angry and so annoyed. I tried, okay? I tried. But everything made me so angry to the point where I had fun ranting. There were some great scenes (vacuum cleaner!), yes, but not enough. I swear if I have to read godsdamned or utterly again, I’ll probably flip some shit. The world building was all over the place. Literally. It was all over ancient Rome and Greece, Norse Myths and sprinkled with a bit of ancient Egypt and christianity. But none of it was explained. None. If you take things straight out of the real world, at least explain it accordingly.
I also wasn’t a fan of the characters (except two and one of them died hahahahah). Anyways, if you want to read the full extent of my anger, read my full review here.

If we were us by K.L. Walther

Advertisement: I received this book in exchange for an honest review.
Sourcebooks Fire | 1st June 2020 | 368 pages | contemporary YA | gay MC & LI, Japanese-American

if we were usWhat is it about?

Everyone at the prestigious Bexley School believes that Sage Morgan and Charlie Carmichael are meant to be….that it’s just a matter of time until they realize that they are actually in love.
When Luke Morrissey shows up on the Bexley campus his presence immediately shakes things up. Charlie and Luke are drawn to each other the moment they meet, giving Sage the opportunity to steal away to spend time with Charlie’s twin brother, Nick.
But Charlie is afraid of what others will think if he accepts that he has much more than a friendship with Luke. And Sage fears that things with Nick are getting too serious too quickly. The duo will need to rely on each other and their lifelong friendship to figure things out with the boys they love. (goodreads)

What did I think?

I liked the world and how Bexley was basically its own little planet. I enjoyed reading about the different teachers and the things you could do on campus. I also really liked the characters and especially their friendships. The relationships were wonderfully written, problems discussed. But there was no real difference between the narrating voices and everything went a bit too fast for my liking. If you want to read more, read my full review here.

Hope Again by Mona Kasten

Again #4 | LYX.audio | gelesen von Milena Karas | 28. Juni 2019 | 477 Seiten | contemporary NA romance | TW: körperliche Misshandlung, Suizid

hope againUm was geht’s?

Everly Penn hatte nie vor, sich zu verlieben – schon gar nicht in ihren Dozenten. Doch Nolan Gates ist charmant, intelligent und sexy, und er ist der Einzige, bei dem Everly die dunklen Gedanken vergessen kann, die sie seit ihrer Kindheit Nacht für Nacht wachhalten. Je näher sie ihn kennenlernt, desto intensiver wird die Verbindung zwischen ihnen – und desto mehr wünscht Everly sich, die unsichtbare Grenze, die sie von Nolan trennt, zu überschreiten. Was sie nicht ahnt: Hinter Nolans lebensbejahenden Art und seiner ansteckenden Begeisterung für Literatur verbirgt sich ein Geheimnis. Und dieses Geheimnis könnte ihre Liebe zerstören, bevor sie überhaupt begonnen hat … (goodreads)


Die Again-Reihe ist meine liebste NA-Reihe. Ein Buch der Reihe anzufangen, ist wie nach Hause zu kommen. So ging es mir auch dieses Mal. Bisher ist dieser Band sogar mein liebster. Ich mochte Everly total gerne und habe mit ihr gefühlt und ihre Sorgen und Ängste gingen mir richtig nah. Ich mochte auch Nolan sehr gern, ebenso wie die ganze Freundesgruppe um Everly und Dawn. Milena Karas liest auch ganz wunderbar und ich höre ihr ungöaublich gerne zu.

Tell me how you really feel by Aminah Mae Safi

Feiwel & Friends | 11th June 2019 | 312 pages | YA romance | lesbian Mexican Jewish MC, lesbian Indian-Persian muslim MC

tell me how you really feelWhat is it about?

Sana Khan is a cheerleader and a straight A student. She’s the classic (somewhat obnoxious) overachiever determined to win.
Rachel Recht is a wannabe director who’s obsesssed with movies and ready to make her own masterpiece. As she’s casting her senior film project, she knows she’s found the perfect lead – Sana.
There’s only one problem. Rachel hates Sana. Rachel was the first girl Sana ever asked out, but Rachel thought it was a cruel prank and has detested Sana ever since. (goodreads)

What did I think?

This book is sapphic enemies to lovers, so right up my alley. I liked Sana a lot but couldn’t really get warm with Rachel. She didn’t always make sense to be, to be honest. This was such a fun, cheesy and clichéd (in the best way) story, though I had some problems with the writing, that felt off and dry to me sometimes. Also, hells yeah to that cover, I am absolutely and undenyingly in love with it.

The Kingdom of Copper by S.A. Chakraborty

Daevabad Trilogy #2 | Harper Voyager | 21st February 2019 | 625 pages | fantasy with historical elements | mlm, muslim | TW: blood, death, war, slavery, alcohol

kingdom of copperWhat is it about?

Nahri’s life changed forever the moment she accidentally summoned Dara, a formidable, mysterious djinn, during one of her schemes. Whisked from her home in Cairo, she was thrust into the dazzling royal court of Daevabad and quickly discovered she would need all her grifter instincts to survive there.
Now, with Daevabad entrenched in the dark aftermath of the battle that saw Dara slain at Prince Ali’s hand, Nahri must forge a new path for herself, without the protection of the guardian who stole her heart or the counsel of the prince she considered a friend. But even as she embraces her heritage and the power it holds, she knows she’s been trapped in a gilded cage, watched by a king who rules from the throne that once belonged to her familyand one misstep will doom her tribe.
Meanwhile, Ali has been exiled for daring to defy his father. Hunted by assassins, adrift on the unforgiving copper sands of his ancestral land, he is forced to rely on the frightening abilities the marid, the unpredictable water spirits, have gifted him. But in doing so, he threatens to unearth a terrible secret his family has long kept buried.
And as a new century approaches and the djinn gather within Daevabad’s towering brass walls for celebrations, a threat brews unseen in the desolate north. It’s a force that would bring a storm of fire straight to the city’s gates . . . and one that seeks the aid of a warrior trapped between worlds, torn between a violent duty he can never escape and a peace he fears he will never deserve. (goodreads)

What did I think?

This was my favourite read of the month! It was amazing, super, great, wonderful! Loved it! It had action, friendship, people trying to find their place in the world, people trying to do the right thing. People I want to hide away and let rest because that’s what they deserve. I love all of these characters with my whole heart and I’m so afraid for them. Can’t wait for book 3. If you want to read my full review, you can do so here.

The Unhoneymooners by Christina Lauren

Gallery Books | 14th may 2019 | 400 pages | romance | gay side character | TW: cheating

the unhoneymoonersWhat is it about?

Olive is always unlucky: in her career, in love, in…well, everything. Her identical twin sister Ami, on the other hand, is probably the luckiest person in the world. Her meet-cute with her fiancé is something out of a romantic comedy (gag) and she’s managed to finance her entire wedding by winning a series of Internet contests (double gag). Worst of all, she’s forcing Olive to spend the day with her sworn enemy, Ethan, who just happens to be the best man.
Olive braces herself to get through 24 hours of wedding hell before she can return to her comfortable, unlucky life. But when the entire wedding party gets food poisoning from eating bad shellfish, the only people who aren’t affected are Olive and Ethan. And now there’s an all-expenses-paid honeymoon in Hawaii up for grabs.
Putting their mutual hatred aside for the sake of a free vacation, Olive and Ethan head for paradise, determined to avoid each other at all costs. But when Olive runs into her future boss, the little white lie she tells him is suddenly at risk to become a whole lot bigger. She and Ethan now have to pretend to be loving newlyweds, and her luck seems worse than ever. But the weird thing is that she doesn’t mind playing pretend. In fact, she feels kind of… lucky. (goodreads)

What did I think?

This was so much fun! It had all my favourite tropes, a cool cast of characters, wonderfully written relationships and the most awesome family. Except for some drama at the end, I highly enjoyed this and if you want to know more, you can read my full review here.

What about you? What did you read in March? What was your favourite? Have you read any of the books I read?

Until next time,

    1. Katherine McGee just writes AMAZING drama! The kind of good drama that has you on the dge of your seat and I love it 😀
      Thank you, to you as well <3 🙂

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